Trust between Workstation and Domain Failed

How to Fix failed trust relationship between workstation an the domain.

Wenn you getting the following Error, your are here on the right place to fix it.

“The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed”
“Die Vertrauensstellung zwischen dieser Arbeitsstation und der primären Domäne konnte nicht hergestellt werden.”

Wenn a Workstation lost the trust to the Domain, the password for the Computer has been expired.

If you search the internet, on how to fix this error, you get a lot of hits, where teh solution ist to Disjoin the Computer from the Domain and Join it again. This will works, but isn’t the best option.
Think about software that will be deinstalled wenn the Computer has been Disjoined. You will have to install it again. You also have to patch them again. Depending on the amount of Software, this will cost you several houres.
You will also find some ways to reset the it with som DOS commands. My expirience is that this will not always funktion.

What will funktion is use Active directory Users and Computers or Powershell. On a Windows 7 Maschine Powersehll 2.0 is default. Required is at least version 3.0. You have to install it manualy.
Windows 10 has Powershell has version 5.0 out of the box.

So do not do that. Instead follow the steps beneeth.

Use ADUC to restore the password of the Computer.
  1. Right click on the Computer Account and Choose “Reset Account”
  2. In German “Konto zurück setzen”

This will not work if the Computer hasn’t connected to the domain for a long Time. In that case you have to go the Powershell way.

Use Powershell to get reset the password of the Computer.
  1. Logon to the Computer with a local Administrator Account. If you do not have that, use the Dart Tools.
    How to create a Dart recovery Image, you can find here.
  2. Open Powershell or the Powershell ISE as an Administrator
  3. Use following Code Snippet. The user has to have rights to Delete and Add Computers to the Domain.
    $Cred = Get-Credential
    Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server "Name of DC" -Credential $Cred
  4. Reboot the Maschine and logon to the Domain.