Get Fim / Mim History runs and clear them if they older then “n” Days


#Above the sites i found almost the same script. I changed it for my purpose. I hope you will give the other persons and me the credits if you use this script.

    $exportDirectory ="C:\FIM_Scripts\Run-Exports\"
    $dayDiff = "31"

    $dateDelete = Get-Date

    #if the dayDiff parameter is passed, subtract it from the current day.
    If($dayDiff -ne 0)
    $dateDelete = $dateDelete.AddDays(-$dayDiff)
    $dateDelete = $dateDelete.AddDays(1)

    # Rewrite the dateDelete so it can be compared.
    $dateDelete = $dateDelete.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

    #if the exportDirectory parameter is passed, save the run history to that directory
    If($exportDirectory -ne “”)
    Write-Host “Exporting run history, older then days definden in varable $daydiff.”
    $lstManagementAgents = @(get-wmiobject -class “MIIS_RunHistory” -namespace “root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer” -computer “.” | Sort-Object RunEndtime -Descending | where RunEndtime -LE $dateDelete)
#   $lstManagementAgent = @(get-wmiobject -class “MIIS_RunHistory” -namespace “root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer” -computer “.” | Sort-Object RunEndtime -Descending | Select-Object -First 4 | Select-Object -Skip 2)
    $runDetails = foreach ($lstManagementAgent in $lstManagementAgents)
    # I decided to use the $dateDelete instead of $today. Because i want to export only runs till the delete day
    $filePathName = $exportDirectory + "Runs-till-$dateDelete.xml”
    $runDetails |Out-File $filePathName

    Write-Host “Successfully exported run history to: ” $filePathName

    #finally, delete the run history:
    #Define the date again, because of diffrent Date notation.
    $dateDelete = Get-Date
    $dateDelete = $dateDelete.AddDays(-$dayDiff)
    Write-Host “Deleting run history earlier than:” $dateDelete.toString(‘MM/dd/yyyy’)

    $lstSrv = @(get-wmiobject -class “MIIS_SERVER” -namespace “root\MicrosoftIdentityIntegrationServer” -computer “.”)
    Write-Host “Result: ” $lstSrv[0].ClearRuns($dateDelete.toString(‘yyyy-MM-dd’)).ReturnValue

    Write-Host “Error: $($_.Exception.Message)” -foregroundcolor yellow -backgroundcolor black